New Vale Resort Club Captain Richard Jones Names Friends Of Y Bwthyn As Charity Of Year

Vale Resort club captain Richard Jones.

New Vale Resort Club Captain Richard Jones Names Friends Of Y Bwthyn As Charity Of Year

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By Rob Stewart

New Vale Resort Club Captain Richard Jones has pledged to turn his year-long role into a money-making term for the Y Bwthyn palliative care unit at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital.

Jones has made a commitment to fundraise for the Friends of Y Bwthyn volunteers who selflessly give up their own time to support the unit in Llantrisant and patients in the community with life-limiting illnesses.

After naming Friends of Y Bwthyn as his charity of the year, Jones will work with club colleagues to organise an array of fundraising activities over the course of this year to bolster a cause that is very close to his heart.

The CEO of Cardiff-based company Paramount has been inspired to support the charity in memory of his much-loved and admired friend and colleague, Huw Mugridge who lost his battle against cancer in July 2022.

Huw Mugridge Huw Mugridge

He had been ill for a few months with pancreatic cancer and passed away peacefully in the arms of his loving and supportive wife Clair, leaving behind three sons – Harrison, Lucas and Ewan.

Commenting on his support for Friends of Y Bwthyn, Jones said: “Losing Huw was devastating for his loved ones and heart-breaking for all his friends and colleagues whose lives he lit up with his infectious and likeable personality.

“I regarded Huw as a great friend who is still very much in my thoughts, and it is in his memory that I am determined to raise as much money – and awareness – as possible to fund the invaluable work by the Friends of Y Bwthyn.

“It’s a team of volunteers who support the nurses and doctors as they look after people in their final days. I know that every pound we raise will have a positive impact thanks to the Friends of Y Bwthyn who have hearts of gold.”

The Friends of Y Bwthyn is a committee of 14 people that includes highly-respected Chairman Dr Ian Back, who was the Unit’s palliative care consultant for over 20 years before retirement, and Treasurer Mike Boddington.

Paragolfer Jonathan Hobbs gets to grips with the Paragolfer. Pic: Steve Pope Fotowales.

The committee includes ward sister Adele Tuckwood, secretary Helen Harris and original members who started the charity over 40 years ago.

Together they support the Unit and patients in the community with life-limiting illnesses, also the wellbeing of the staff at the Unit.

Jones has already signalled his intent to make sure golf is a force for good by partnering with disabled golf charity, The Golf Trust.

Thanks to Paramount sponsorship, the ‘Paragolfer’, an all-terrain wheelchair that raises the user into a standing position, allowing a safe and conventional golf swing, was introduced to disabled people at an event hosted by The Golf Trust at The Vale Resort.

Jones added: “Bringing the ‘Paragolfer’ to the Vale Resort was a taste of things to come as far as I’m concerned because golf is a wonderful sport, and I will do my best to make sure it benefits people across our communities in South Wales.

“I’m looking forward to the challenge of raising as much money as possible for Friends of Y Bwthyn and I am confident my fellow Vale Resort members will rally behind me because sadly most will have been affected by cancer and will know what a deserving cause this is.

“I am proud to have the honour of being named the Vale Resort’s club captain and I am really looking forward to the responsibilities and challenges that the role involves and above all I am determined to do Huw’s memory proud with my fundraising efforts.”

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