Lauren Price’s Ring Return Ends With Silver Lining In Hungary

Lauren Price is just one win away from qualifying for Olympics. Pic: Lumix UK / Team GB / Sam Mellish.

Lauren Price’s Ring Return Ends With Silver Lining In Hungary

By Gareth James

Lauren Price had to settle for silver on her return to the ring after a 16 month absence at the Bocskai Memorial Tournament in Hungary.

The 26-year-old lost a tough final against old rival and second seed Nouchka Fontijn of the Netherlands in the 75kg category.

Top seed Price was beaten by a split decision.

In a  final of contrasting styles saw Price use her hand speed and superior footwork to land a number of clean shots on her Dutch adversary.

But the judges’ saw the bout in favour of Rio 2016 silver medallist who was awarded a split decision victory over her great rival.

The last time Price had boxed before stepping into the ring in Debrecen this week was when she beat the Dutch fisher to win the world title in October 2019.

Newport’s Price had also beaten her old foe at the European Games in Minsk in the same year.

The Welsh middleweight had reached the final by beating Gabriele Stonkute and Italy’s Assunta Canfora in the semi-final.

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